Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Part of You

For a very long time now, I've wanted to share some of the music I've written over the years with all of you. Today, I finally see that dream come to fruition. Using a new free service called Soundcloud, I've uploaded one of my personal favorites called, "A Part of You". This song is one of my favorites because I made my wife sing with me on it. I wrote it back in 2007 after seeing Juno, whose soundtrack was dominated by songs that have a similar sound to this with couples seemingly trading verses and coming back together for the chorus. To this day, it's still one of the easiest times I've ever had writing a song. I think I wrote the whole thing in 10-15 minutes. Even the first line that came to me was, in my opinion, the best. "You've got me on/a part of you/that I can't get off/no matter what I do." There's something about the innocence of the lyric that I've always liked. The rest of the lyrics have both of us trading jabs at each other (I tell her she has too much crap, she tells me my skin is rough and I snore too loud-all of which, I might add, were common complaints we had with each other at the time) but then ultimately coming to the realization that despite all of this, we're both still sticking with one another. I hope you enjoy it and look for more music from me in the future!

10 A Part Of You by iceap12


Delirious said...

Good job! I like the "taking turns" aspect! :)

Nene said...

This was a cute song. It reminded me of something Jason Mraz would do. (Is that how you spell his last name?)

Amber said...

this is a good song, ya'll sound good together and the music is really mellow i like it!

Inklings said...

I like it too! Way to go!