Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where do we go from here?

For those of you who are either attending college or who are planning to attend college, do not make the unfortunate mistake of doing what I did which is majoring in something that doesn't move directly into a job. Job hunting sucks. My major was in Communication and Journalism with a focus in Advertising and unfortunately, there are not any advertising positions in Albuquerque that need to be filled. So it has put me in a bit of a strange position because I'm not sure what else I can do. I know I can fill any business-oriented position but where? For whom? Doing what? About a week ago, I told my sister that there was a job posting for people who sell office machines like printers and fax machines to other businesses. When I told her this, she scrunched up her face and said, " don't want to do that!" I replied that I wanted to do anything that was going to make money, but after I thought about it some more, I realized that I really didn't want to do that and that she was right. I have spent many hours on in the past few weeks, just looking at all the jobs, trying to figure out which ones I'm qualified for and which ones I'm not and thinking that the ones I'm not qualified for sound a whole hell of a lot better than the ones that I am. All I know is that I need to get out of my current job. It was about 90 degrees outside today and since I basically work outside (I work in a kind of warehouse with large garage doors open on both sides) I was absolutely miserable. Its time for my college degree to start working for me since I am finished working for it. But I'm not sure what to do. I am glad however, that my wife and I aren't desperate for money because who knows when I'm going to figure it out.


Amber said...

I still say that you're underestimating your own "qualification-ability". Seriously, having worked in the "business" field for the past 8-9 years I PROMISE that JUST having A degree will get you a TON of jobs. Also, I think you should apply for the ones you like even if you don't think you're qualified. When I look for a job I try to send out at least 20 resumes a week. Make sure you're using all your resources too,, ABQ Journal,, heck, even myspace has job listings! Good luck, I'm sure there's a great job out there with your name on it! :D

Stacy said...

I agree with Amber, I think you should apply for jobs you arnt even qualified for. I mean, what's it gonna hurt if you just try? You dont get the job? who cares! You do get the job? Awesome! I am confident that you will find something you like, you just have to be diligent. I dont mind being your Daddy Warbucks for a while :)

Nene said...

Most companies don't care what your degree is in. All they care is that you have a degree. Apply for EVERY SINGLE job that looks like it might be interesting and quit worrying about whether you are qualified or not. Let them decide that in your interview. If you are not qualified, they will not hire you. And also, even if you're not fully qualified, they will provide the rest of the training for you. Don't sell youreself short. And also don't worry if you don't have experiece. Just apply and let the people who are hiring figure it out!

Keira said...

You have a degree in advertising so sell yourself!!! That means convincing people who think they don't want you that the really do. The squeaky wheel gets the oil...and you will do better in interviews of jobs you actually wan to get.

KWCooley said...

Ditto to everything everyone else said. I've got time on my hands. Come over and I bet I can help you get your job by the end of the summer, maybe much much sooner. I have a lot of job interview and resume tips that will really give you the edge you need. This is a major problem for many Universities. They teach people the knowledge to work in a particular field, but they forget to teach them how to find the job. You don't have to do this alone. Let's talk.